Jessica Jewel - Jessica's not a shy girl. She will tell you when she's ready to fuck. One cock is never enough to satisfy this slut's hunger. Believe it or not, but she won't have sex with only one partner. So if you see her on the street you had better have a friend with you if you want to score. Profile: Nina Whitt - This is one ugly skank. What a fucking pig. Why girls like this end up in Porno is a total mystery to me. I wouldn't pay this slob 50 cents to suck the shit out of my ass. This girl is gross. Profile: Sabrina Johnson - If you haven't seen Sabrina yet in a sex scene, well, you're in for a real treat. This girl is a firecracker. Good looks, brains, and a love for cock complete this package. This whore has stolen my heart with her sexual energy, and I'm sure she'll bring tears to your eyes as well.