What's young, fresh and as American as apple pie? The girl next door, of course! Here, in five fiery vignettes, you'll discover how this red-white-and-blue icon earned her XXX reputation. First, Roxy Jezel loves jumping on her trampoline, almost as much as jumping on Chris Cannon's enormous love-bone! Kellemarie is equally as enthusiastic when Fallon Sommers drops by to borrow a cup of her crotch-honey. Evan Stone recalls a vacation spent between Nina Bonet's thighs, while Richard Raymond fulfills Kelly Kline's fantasy to have a prowler manhandle her family jewels. Finally, Mick Blue returns home after a hard day at the office to give Fallon something equally as hard. Yes, it's a rough life living next door to a barely legal nymphomaniac, but someone?like our cast of usual suspects?has to do it!